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Location, star rating, breakfast, price... we know that a lot of thought goes into finding the right hotel. That’s why TravelSupermarket searches wider to gather cheap hotel deals, showing you everything you need to know in one simple search.
100% free, 100% independent, 100% Super: that’s the TravelSupermarket promise. Compare hotel prices, save your favourites, pick your perfect hotel and then go direct to your travel company to book. Travel made simple. Travel made Super.
We make it fun, easy and hassle-free to find the world’s best hotels at low prices. A swanky five-star stay in London? You got it. Low-cost elegance in Paris? It’s yours. Two minutes to Times Square in New York? No problem. Your perfect hotel is here on TravelSupermarket.
Simply run a search, use our handy sliders to narrow by star rating, guest rating, price and location, and then compare cheap hotel deals. You can even search by facility, if you fancy a game of tennis, need an airport transfer or must have free wi-fi (or other useful stuff). Booking is easy too, as we take you direct to the travel company.
If scouring the internet for your ideal hotel feels like finding a needle in a haystack, think of TravelSupermarket as the genius who brought the metal detector. We use our super search and comparison powers to help you find the best hotel deals.
Hear the Story of the Irish in Dublin, tour the Nine Streets in Amsterdam, soak up the sun and cosmopolitan vibe in Majorca, learn about sporting and music greats in Manchester... Intrigued? You should be, the world is a fascinating place and it is calling your name. So answer the call and book an awesome hotel deal.
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Reviewed by Blogger Imut
May 10, 2016